Fortunately not all JW's buy the teachings of the WTS.
Regarding education in my congregation that I grew up in, the elders never said anything to anyone who attended college. Myself and my siblings included. I suppose that it didn't interfere with our meeting attendance and such, so that's why we didn't get any flack. My peers in the congregation went on to obtain all sorts of degrees and it wasn't frowned upon. CO never said anything. No Local Needs parts on it.
Sometimes it has to do with the local body of elders in some congregations. Perhaps some are "discreet" in the eyes of Christ. Like I said, not all (including elders) believe what the WTS teaches and they don't push it. Perhaps it may be different in your Kingdom Hall.
Consider me not being effected by what the WTS teaches regarding education.
And for those contemplating higher education, if it isn't unscriptural then why refrain?
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)